We are happy to announce that the LAX Day for 2022 will be held virtually as follows:
Date: 28th December 2022
Day: WednesdayTime: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon


1. The NEW LAX Competition is open till the 16th of December 2022 (Friday)
2. Voting lines for the LAX Best Video or Product will be opened from 17th to 21st December 2022. Visit the CALC FB page to vote (Like) your favourite videos.
3. Students taking LAX this semester, please record your attendance on the day of the event. You may access the Google Form attendance via a QR code. Please see the Attendance post. 
4. Also, be reminded that you have a LAX Day Discussion video to submit for this week's LAX submission (26th December 2022 - 2nd January 2023). So don't forget to watch the programme live today or the recorded version later to help you with the task. 

Photo Credit:  <a href="">Online illustrations by Storyset</a>
